Celebrities Biography

Bipasha Basu - Bollywood Celebrity, Actress

Date of Birth
7 January 1979, Delhi, India
Height 5' 8½" (1.74 m) 

Mini Biography
Fate intervened back Bipasha recoiled and anesthetized out back analytic a rat. Thus concluded her dream of actuality a medical professional. She was enrolled in the Science adroitness until 12th standard, but switched to Commerce thereafter. After accepting a amount in Commerce she planned to be a Chartered Accountant but concluded up actuality the Ford Supermodel of the Apple back she was aloof 17 years old.

Bipasha was built-in on January 7th 1979 in New Delhi. after the Basu ancestors re-located to Calcutta. Bipasha is the additional of three sisters, built-in and brought up in a Hindu Bengali family, she is chatty in Hindi, English, and Bengali. The names of her sisters are Bidisha and Bijoyeta. Unbelievable as it may sound, adult Bipasha was advised 'ugly' in her adolescent years due to her aphotic complexion. Her name agency 'Dark Deep Desire', and is additionally the name of a river.

After her celebration as the Ford Supermodel, she went on to be crowned Miss Vivacious sponsored by Tulips.

Bipasha fabricated her attack into Bollywood with 'Ajnabee' in 2001, and after acquired a abode for herself in the applique world. She went to brilliant in 'Raaz', 'Jism', 'No Entry', 'Phir Herapheri', 'Corporate' &'Dhoom 2'. All of these movies did adequately able-bodied at the box office, and escalated her position as not alone a arch lady, but one who can cartel to bare. 'Dhoom 2' additionally credits her as a playback singer.

She has additionally appeared in two music videos, and was one of the board in the 2004 Femina Miss India adorableness pageant.
Actually wanted to be a doctor
Bipasha means deep dark desire.
Was one of the judges for the 2004 'Femina Miss India' pageant.
Once said that she wished she were a boy, then she would get those roles which bypass her due to her image.
Listed as number 7 of 'Top Bollywood Actresses' of 2006. (, 8-25-2006)
Named the "Sexiest Woman in Asia" by UK magazine Eastern Eye in 2005 and 2007.
Won the Ford's Godrej Cinthol Supermodel contest in 1996.

Personal Quotes
"Sexy in India, is not advised positive. But, with today's crop of beginning faces, in the clay arena, actuality adult is an asset."

"I anticipate my aboriginal blur will actualize an image, which I will anon try to breach abroad from. I accept a sexy, allure baby angel which I demand to get out of. But if annihilation abroad works out, I shall banknote in on it. I don't accept any dream role in mind, I demand to try out everything."

"I absolutely capital to be a doctor. But accomplishing all those alarming rat dissections fabricated me faint. I advised science till the 12th accepted and after took up commerce. I was planning to do accountant accountancy, but fate had article abroad in abundance for me."

"I am the bang-up in my life. I adjudge aback to allegation added and aback not to. I alive in my own zone. I don't aching anyone and I am actual transparent. I don't accumulate bodies blind in life." (2005)

"I am accomplishing appealing able-bodied for myself, and I am appreciative to be the being I am. If bodies address that I am a beggarly being aback it comes to money, again let them address it!" (2005)

"Somebody cheated me aback I was a adolescent model. I had a bad experience, and was active from cloister to court. So I accept what a arrangement is. I sit with my advocate and accountant accountant afore signing a contract. I abstruse actual aboriginal in activity how one gets cheated. So I am actual accurate now aback it comes to money issues." (2005)

"If a babe wears a shirt and a skirt, does she become added sensuous? I anticipate a babe in a sari is added carnal than a babe in a skirt. In my opinion, a wet sari is the best sensuous." (2005)

"Every added babe is demography off her clothes aloof for the heck of it and I don't demand to be in that category. I can never be bargain or vulgar."

Corporate (2006) has been a abundant experience. Madhur is a actual acceptable administrator and technician. I'm blessed that a administrator like him who has formed with Konkana and Tabu has casting me. Although it's a austere film, we attempt it like a fun film. I portray today's women in the film. My appearance Nishigandha Dasgupta is tough, but at home she's simple and vulnerable. The antithesis is the aspect of the woman, which I anticipate has appear out beautifully in the film. I achievement every career-oriented woman will chronicle to her." (Stardust magazine, July 2006)

"See, some time aback I did films such as Madhoshi (2004) and Chehraa (2005), both solo-heroine projects, but abominably it didn't assignment at the box-office. And the acumen I feel is that the makers didn't accept abundant money to advance the blur and all my adamantine assignment was wasted. I accomplished again that it's bigger to assignment with accustomed makers who accept the accommodation to booty the blur appropriate through till the end and who apperceive their job." (Stardust magazine, July 2006)"I already accept a dream man (John) but if I had to accomplish a choice, I wouldn't apperception addition like Brad Pitt! I would like him to accept qualities like my father, actual chilled-out, because I'm over acute and aggressive and I demand addition who is actual calm with a abundant faculty of humor. Addition who has activity like me, who can assignment the accomplished day and affair appropriate through the night and accept a bang after a bother, addition who is actual defended and assured of his woman." (Movie Mag, May 2006)

"An acclaimed acquaintance happened on December 15, 1996 back I won the Supermodel challenge while still in school. I was aloof seventeen years old then. Winning that antagonism was the axis point of my life. That's how I got into clay and after started acting." (Movie Mag, May 2006)

"For me air-conditioned out is back I can break at home, adjustment aliment from alfresco and watch a blur with my friends. Listening to music and watching films are my abstraction of absolute relaxation." (Movie Mag, May 2006)

When asked if she has become an able in the ball genre: "I can't say that I've become an able in comedy, but yes my aplomb akin is absolutely aerial column the success of the blur [No Entery (2005)]. I've abstruse how to ad-lib in the genre. And by the time I do my third or fourth ball film, my adeptness to ad-lib would absolutely be abundant more. Again maybe you could say that I'm an expert." (Stardust magazine, July 2006)

"I accept consistently believed that if you charge to booty your clothes off to get your man, you've amorphous to lose the battle. If you cull it off right, you can do it in a actual chic way...Being adult is about suggestion; it's about the tease. It's not about actuality accessible and banishment yourself out in the open. That takes all the fun out of actuality a woman." (March 2007)

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