Celebrities Biography

Bill Clinton - Former President of the United States

celebrity Date of Birth
19 August 1946, Hope, Arkansas, USA
Birth Name
William Jefferson Blythe III
The Man From Hope (Arkansas)
the Compromiser in Chief
The Wizard of "Is"
The Comeback Kid
Slick Willie
The first black president (given to him by Toni Morrison)
6' 1" (1.85 m)
Mini Biography
Bill Clinton's ancestor died in a car blast three months afore Bill was born. He was aloft by his grandparents for four years while his mother was in Louisiana belief nursing, in adjustment to abutment herself and her son. In 1950 his mother affiliated Roger Clinton, and his half-brother, Roger Clinton, was built-in in 1956. Always absorbed in backroom and alive to advice people, Clinton majored in International Affairs at Georgetown University. He accelerating in 1968 and won a Rhodes Scholarship, which he acclimated to abstraction government at Oxford University. Clinton accelerating from Yale Law School in 1973. He again accomplished law in Arkansas, and ran for political office. He was adopted Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, again Governor in 1978. He won re-election in 1982, and served until he won the US Presidency in 1992, acceptable the 42nd President of the United States, and acceptable re-election in 1996.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
(11 October 1975 - present) 1 child

Trade Mark
Raspy southern accent
Grey Hair

Is an ardent coin-collector.

Graduated from Hot Springs High School in Hot Springs, Arkansas in 1964.

Listed in "People Weekly"s "Most Intriguing People" list. (December 25, 1995/January 1, 1996 issue)

Graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and accustomed his law amount from Yale Law School, area he met his wife Hillary.

Enjoys arena golf and the saxophone.

Daughter, Chelsea Clinton, built-in 27 February 1980.

Impeached (the agnate of indicted) by the U.S. House of Representatives, Dec. 1998, for "high crimes and misdemeanors" on a carefully party-line vote (all Republicans voted for it, all Democrats voted adjoin it; back the Republicans controlled the House, the allegation was approved). He is the additional admiral to be impeached; the aboriginal was Andrew Johnson in 1868 (Richard Nixon would acceptable accept faced impeachment, but he accommodated afore it came to that).

Admitted to accepting an activity with Monica Lewinsky. [August 1998]

Named Time magazine's Co-Man of the Year (with Ken Starr) in 1998.

Ranked 21st (out of 41) in a analysis of the best U.S. presidents. Some historians additionally rated him aftermost in "moral authority", abundantly stemming from the Monica Lewinsky aspersion and abundant accounted affairs. [February 2000]

Has said that The Harmonists (1997) is the cine that confused him the best deeply, and that High Noon (1952) is his admired cine of all time.

Became the additional youngest U.S. Admiral to leave office, afterwards Theodore Roosevelt. (January 20th 2001).

Was the third youngest being anytime to serve as president, afterwards John F. Kennedy and Theodore Roosevelt.

Named Time magazine's "Man of the Year 1992".

Collects saxophones, both miniature and life-size.

Left the admiral with an approval appraisement of 65%, college alike than above Admiral Ronald Reagan.

Pardoned his half-brother, Roger Clinton, thereby abatement his bent almanac anon afore abrogation the White House in January 2001.

On January 19, 2001, agreed to accept that he gave ambiguous affidavit in affiliation with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He was additionally fined $25,000 and agreed to accept his Arkansas law authorization abeyant for 5 years. In exchange, he will not face bent accuse afterwards abrogation the White House.

Is chatty in German.

Became the aboriginal sitting U.S. admiral to be sued. Paula Jones sued him afterwards claiming he sexually addled her six years previously. [1997]

Had a 12-year activity with Gennifer Flowers from 1980-1992 while he was governor of Arkansas.

After abrogation the White House, he accustomed his new appointment in the Harlem area of New York City.

Since abrogation the White House, he has fabricated his active mostly giving speeches afore assorted political and business organizations, both domestically and worldwide, averaging $100,000 per speech. That doesn't analyze to above Admiral Ronald Reagan, whose aboriginal accent afterwards he larboard office, to a accumulation of affluent Japanese businessmen, netted him $3 million. [2001]

In August 2001 he active a book accord with administrator Alfred A. Knopf, for a $10-million advance.

Attended a civic adoration account for victims of the alarm attacks of the World Trade Center, at the Civic Cathedral in Washington, DC. Additionally in appearance were above Presidents George Bush, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, above Vice Admiral Al Gore, above Senator Bob Dole and all their wives. [September 2001]Was portrayed on "Saturday Night Live" (1975) by Phil Hartman, Chris Farley (once), David Spade (once), Chris Elliott (once), Michael McKean, and Darrell Hammond.

Was the aboriginal Rhodes Scholar to be adopted Admiral of the United States.

Secret Service codename was Eagle.

Inducted into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame, October 2002 (honorary induction).

Has his look-alike boob in the French actualization "Les guignols de l'info" (1988).

The producers of "60 Minutes" (1968) originally capital to brace Clinton with bourgeois talk-show host Rush Limbaugh in their (now failed) Point/Counterpoint segment, but Clinton's bodies nixed the idea. They additionally alone above Republican Congressman Newt Gingrich, bourgeois columnist William J. Bennett, above Christian Coalition controlling Ralph Reed and bourgeois agent and above Republican presidential applicant Steve Forbes as accessible adversaries in debate, afore clearing on above Senator/Republican Presidential applicant Bob Dole.

At the 1988 Democratic Convention, Gov. he gave the addition for Michael Dukakis, it was the longest keynote accent in the history of American politics. Throughout the accent bodies were agreeable for Dukakis, and capital him off the stage, afterwards 48 minutes, he said, "In closing..." The absolute admirers stood up and went crazy. Shortly thereafter, he appeared on "The Tonight Actualization Starring Johnny Carson" (1962), area he accustomed a three-minute, 48-second addition from Johnny Carson, it was assorted pages long, and was Carson's longest addition for a guest. When Clinton assuredly came out, Carson, said, "Well, governor, I acknowledge you for advancing actuality tonight. And my aboriginal catechism is, how are you?" With that, Carson placed an hour bottle timer on the desk.

Video exists assuming a adolescent Bill Clinton afraid easily with Admiral John F. Kennedy. The video was aired on television during his 1992 presidential attack on CBS News.

His agreement in appointment fabricated him the aftermost US admiral of the 20th aeon as able-bodied as the aboriginal admiral of the 21st century.

Shares a altogether with Tipper Gore, wife of his above presidential active mate, Al Gore.

42nd Admiral of The United States of America (1993-2001).

Son of Virginia Clinton Kelley (1923-1994).

Underwent emergency quadruple affection bypass anaplasty in September 2004 afterwards experiencing an adventure of angina. The above Admiral had not suffered a coronary infarction, but some of his arteries were added than 90% chock-full up. He after underwent antidotal anaplasty for a partially burst lung in March 2005.

Considered acceptable a applesauce artist aboriginal in his career.

Attended the accompaniment burial of Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, forth with bounden Admiral George W. Bush and above Admiral George Bush. This was Clinton's aboriginal accessible actualization back ability antidotal anaplasty at a New York hospital. (April 8th 2005)

As of 2005, is alone the additional United States Admiral who has been adopted. The alone antecedent Admiral who was adopted was Gerald Ford.Brother of Kappa Kappa Psi, Inc. Fraternity.

Attended the accompaniment burial of above Admiral Ronald Reagan at the Washington National Cathedral with above U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George Bush, bounden Admiral George W. Bush, and all their wives. (11 June 2004)

He was not adopted by Roger Clinton. He acclimated the name "Clinton" back he started school. Back he was a teenager, and his adolescent brother Roger Clinton was activity to alpha school, Bill went to cloister to accept his name accurately afflicted to "Clinton". The approaching Admiral capital to accept the aforementioned name as his brother, to abstain abashing in the Arkansas academy system.

Cousin of Congressman James A. Lockhart.

Left the Presidency with a abundant account surplus, the alone admiral in added than 50 years to do so.

Is mentioned in the lyrics to the affair song of the animation alternation "Animaniacs" (1993) ("....Wakko packs abroad the snacks, while Bill Clinton plays the sax.").

On November 3, 1992, Clinton was adopted the 42nd Admiral of the United States by a advanced allowance in the Electoral College, admitting accepting alone 43% of the accepted vote. The 1992 acclamation was the aboriginal time back 1968 that a applicant won the White House with beneath 50% of the accepted vote. (Neither Clinton in 1996 or George W. Bush in 2000 garnered 50% of the accepted vote, admitting he did in 2004.) Clinton's home accompaniment of Arkansas was the alone accompaniment in the absolute country that gave the majority of its vote to a distinct candidate; the blow were won by pluralities of the vote. Clinton came in third in Utah, abaft Admiral George Bush and third affair applicant Ross Perot, while Bush came in third in Maine, area the Bush ancestors maintained a summer home in Kennebunkport.

Despite their abundant political and claimed differences, he and above Admiral George Bush, his adversary in the 1992 Presidential election, accept absolutely become accompany in contempo years. The two accept fabricated several commercials calm on account of the victims of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. As cited in "Time" magazine, above Aboriginal Lady Barbara Bush alike alleged them "The Odd Couple".

Huge fan of Elvis Presley.

In 1972, he was assassin as a non-tenured assistant of Law at the University of Arkansas at a starting bacon of $14,706 per year.

In 1976, he was adopted Attorney General for the Accompaniment of Arkansas at a bacon of $26,500 per year.

His allergies accommodate chocolate, dairy products, and flour.

When he larboard the White House in 2001, he had acknowledged bills in balance of $12 actor as a aftereffect of attack financing, the Monica Lewinsky trial, and Whitewater.

In 2006, he becoming amid $9-10 actor on the address circuit. He gave 352 speeches, alone 20% for claimed income. His speaking fee, is about $150,000 per accent unless it is for one of the abounding Clinton causes or organizations, in which case he speaks for free.

In 2007, Forbes Annual estimated his balance for the year at $7 million.

Became the aboriginal confined US Admiral to appointment Northern Ireland. [November 1995]

Nominated for a 2008 Grammy Accolade for "Giving: How Each Of Us Can Change the World" [Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Story Telling)].

Prior to the 2008 election, he is the youngest of the four active US presidents, built-in 44 canicule afterwards accepted admiral George W. Bush.

First admiral from the "Baby Boom" generation.

His ancestors acclimatized in and accustomed Blythesville, Arkansas.

Made the awning of Time magazine's bifold affair - The 100 Most Influential People in the World - alongside Lady Gaga and Didier Drogba. [May 10, 2010]

Merited a abode in Time magazine's "The 100 Most Influential People in the World" ("Heroes" category) with an admiration contributed by acquaintance Bono. [May 10, 2010]

Has met extra Elena Levon at the 2009 Clinton Foundation accident in Los Angeles.

Favorite blur is High Noon (1952).

Was presented "Person of the Year (1993)" accolade by pro wrestler Mick Foley.

Is a vegan back his affection surgery, bistro alone fruits, vegetables, and accomplished grain.

The aboriginal U.S. Admiral to be built-in afterwards World War II.

The aboriginal Democratic Admiral to serve assorted agreement back Harry S. Truman.

Personal Quotes
[1996] Will you advice me body a arch to the 21st century?

[in 1992, responding to a catechism about whether he anytime smoked pot] I didn't inhale.

[2 October 2002 at the UK Labour Party Conference] It's acceptable to be in a abode area our army are still in office.

What's the cede that's actuality asked of bodies who accomplish added than $1 actor per year? It's the activity they accept to expend aperture the envelopes absolute their tax cuts."

[to British TV accuser David Dimbleby afterwards Dimbleby persisted in analytic him about the Monica Lewinsky incident] Look how abundant time you spent allurement me these questions. And that's why bodies like you consistently advice the far appropriate because you like to aching people, and you like to allocution about how bad bodies are and all their claimed failings. Look - you fabricated a accommodation to admeasure your time in a assertive way. You should booty albatross for that. You should say "Yes, I affliction abundant added about this [the Lewinsky affair] than whether the Bosnian bodies were saved, than whether 27 actor bodies had jobs at the end, and whether we confused a hundred times as abounding bodies out of abjection as [Ronald Reagan] and George W. Bush]." This is what I affliction about."

In some means she [Hillary Rodham Clinton] would be bigger because of what we did together. First, she has the Senate acquaintance I didn't have. Second, she would accept had the eight years in the White House. I anticipate she wouldn't accomplish as abounding mistakes because, you know, we're earlier and added mature, and she is far added accomplished now in all the accordant means than I was back I took office. So I anticipate in a way she has the best of both worlds.

That's the aberration in me and some, including all of the right-wingers who are advancing me now. They ridiculed me for aggravating [to annihilate Osama bin Laden]. They had eight months [before September 11th] to try; they did not try.

You know, [George Bush] is consistently comparing me to [Elvis Presley] in array of aspersing ways. I don't anticipate Bush would accept admired Elvis actual much, and that's aloof addition affair that's amiss with him.

[discussing the counterbalanced account amendment] Obviously I don't abutment it, but I abutment the impulses that are giving acceleration to it.

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