Celebrities Biography

Leighton Meester - USA Celebrity, Actress, Singer, Model

Leighton Meester
Leighton Marissa Meester (born April 9, 1986) is a Yankee historian, best famous for her role as solon Waldorf within the TV show Gossip lady. Her initial acting role on a TV program was on NBC's legal drama Law & Order in 1999.Other series during which Leighton Meester actress has appeared embody CSI: Miami, eight easy Rules, 24, 7th Heaven, and House.

Leighton Meester Biography

Leighton Meester has a younger brother named Lax. Meester got interested in an exceeding listing once she appeared in a native production of The Wizard of Oz. In 2003-2005 they lived in city. once she was eleven, Leighton Meester rapt along with her family to the big apple town and shortly when began operating as a model with Wilhelmina, booking a Ralph Lauren campaign shot by Bruce Webber and dealing with then-photographer Bulgarian capital film producer. Other roles embody a job as Savannah aviator on Surface. She has guest asterisked as Debbie Pendleton on Season four of the FOX drama twenty four, as Ali in episode three and four of Season three of the FOX drama House, as Carrie Bishop on Season one of the UPN drama speedwell Mars, and Chandler's new girlfriend Edward Calvin Kendall in Season eight of the magnetic flux unit drama seventh Heaven, in addition because the role of Justine Chapin in Season one of the HBO comedy suite. Leighton Meester created her film debut within the feature Hangman's Curse supported the popular novel by Frank Pretty. Leighton Meester recently asterisked within the freelance comic-thriller Flourish with House co-stars Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Herbert Spencer.

In 2006, she wrapped the feminine lead role within the comedy/horror film Drive-Thru. Leighton Meester has additionally recorded a song for the audio recording of Drive-Thru. Within the spring of 2006, Leighton Meester compete a section within the ensemble comedy/drama entitled keep in mind the Daze. Currently, Meester stars as solon Waldorf within the CW series Gossip lady, from chaff Schwartz, creator of The O.C. and supported the book series concerning the lives of recent York's 2 privileged higher side high school students. Leighton Meester has explicit in interviews that she identifies with solon "on each level, in a technique or another." She contains also recently guest asterisked on CSI: Miami and has a continual role on James Woods' court drama Shark. Once not on the set, Meester, World Health Organization attended city high school, pursues her talent for music and artistic writing. She presently resides in the big apple.

She has worked with historian Kristen Bell on 2 TV series. In Gossip lady, Bell provides the voice of Gossip lady and Leighton plays solon Waldorf, and in speedwell Mars, that stars Bell, Leighton appeared shortly as gossip queen Carrie Bishop. In July 2011, Leighton Meester's and her mother filed lawsuits against one another concerning Leighton Meester's financial backing of her younger brother; World Health Organization has multiple health issues. Meester's suit claims the cash she sent was employed by her mother for "cosmetic procedures"; her mother's suit makes a cross-claim alleging breach of contract and physical abuse. In Nov 2011, Constance Leighton Meester earned the $3 million claim for damages against her female offspring. As a result, Leighton obtained a judicial decision on December seven, 2011. She may additionally look for custody. In Gregorian calendar month 2012, Leighton Meester-Actress afterward won the suit, with the choose rejecting her mother's claims from her previous counter-suit.

Leighton Marissa Meester (born April 9, 1986) is a Yankee historian, best famous for her role as solon Waldorf within the TV show Gossip la...
Buah Buahan Thursday, October 25, 2012
Celebrities Biography

PSY- Korean Rapper, Singer

Born day, 1977 in Asian nation, Park Jae herb higher better-known by his inventive name PSY, could be a South Korean rapper better-known for his comedy and music performances. PSY was educated in the United States, at Boston University and Berklee College of Music. PSY already has vi studio albums throughout his career since its debut in Gregorian calendar month 2001, he has additionally suffered many controversies like the utilization of marijuana, prohibition and censorship of their add peninsula and additionally regarding his draft. PSY additionally appeared in many TV shows as Good Sunday: X-Man and The Golden Fishery.

PSY - completely different from all the K-Pop singers

From the starting time he set to show a discrepancy from all the K-Pop singers out there. He free his debut album entitled "PSY...From the psychotic World!" in 2001. Thanks to the content of that album, he later paid a fine. Attributable to his distinctive vogue, dance moves and aggressive lyrics, he was usually mentioned because the "Bizarre Singer". PSY's second album "Ssa 2" was prohibited to being sold to those beneath nineteen. His third album "Champion" followed shortly once, however it wasn't till 2012 that PSY became a worldwide celebrity thanks for his "Gangnam Style" video. PSYbecame a YouTube sensation and therefore the choreography utilized in the video was highlighted everywhere the globe. "Gangnam Style" quickly became "YouTube's Most Viewed Video".

The "Gangnam Style" generates giant profits to PSY

Just With only one song, the South Korean Park Jae-sang, 34, mentioned as PSY, is on the brink of become a have, but not for the music royalties from their own country.

The "Style'' Gangnam approaching one, 000 million views on YouTube. Advertisers from YouTube and downloads for iTunes, PSY and his team will get a minimum of $ seven.9 million this year, in step with AN analysis by The Associated Press with public knowledge and business estimates. In Republic of peninsula will get however $ sixty, 000 from the sale of their music on-line.

The figures underscore a change among the strategy money is presently among the music business and is foreseen to even larger total comes from TV commercials.


With its catchy rhythm and "step of the horse'' the song" Gangnam Style'' is that the foremost viewed video in YouTube history: over 880 million times since its launch in Gregorian calendar month.

The YouTube video surpassed Justin Bieber with `` Baby'', that has been viewed over 808 million times since Feb 2010. PSY's official channel on YouTube that has his songs and videos taken collectively, has 1,300 million views.

Tube Mogul, a mercantilism platform for obtaining video on-line, computable PSY YG diversion and his agent have won $ 870,000 as its share of the profits of the economic you see on YouTube videos. The video service closely-held by Google opposition. The remains near zero.5.

PSY, and YG diversion in addition earn money from the views of the videos that parody his songs.

Google detects the videos that use content protected by copyright. Artists can produce the videos are discharged or leave to remain on the net and share profits with YouTube ads. Among the last week of Sept as "Gangnam Style'' had over 300 million views, over thirty 3,000 videos were better-known by the service system as videos using" Gangnam Style''.

As YouTube could also be seen all over the world, one would expect that Asia will add AN outsized portion of the $ 870,000, as a result of the countries with the second and third highest vary of video views are Kingdom of Thailand and Republic of peninsula, but the country World Health Organization features a heap of views "Gangnam Style'' is America.

"Quotas for ads vary by country among that the video is enjoying. Developed countries have a much bigger share in developing countries and lower,'' same Brian Suh, head of YouTube trade association in capital of Asian nation.

Legal downloads of PSY album

"Gangnam Style'' has been downloaded 2.7 million times among the America and has been among the ideal and among the second place nearly weekly since it’s unhitch, in step with Nielsen Sound Scan.

The song sells for $ one.29 in Apple's iTunes Store, the leading market downloading songs. Apple generally stays with unit of time of all sales so the PSY team could receive over 2.4 million.

The party PSY stays and what are their representatives, workers and record is not clear. In step with business consultants PSY Republic of peninsula is perhaps seventieth and unit of time of YG diversion discharges among the America.

Proceeds from the transfer of the song among the house country are plenty of less encouraging PSY.

South Koreans pay however $ 10 a month for a subscription to a music service that allows you to transfer several songs and unlimited access to play songs. That produces the worth of downloading a song is relating to 10 cents on the common. The everyday price to play a song is zero.2 cents.

The portion left PSY discharges is 14 July and is reduced to seven.5% by alone songs that are contend, i.e. 7.5% of those zero.2 cents. This will be not investigation the 0.5 that is the writer of "Gangnam vogue.'' Most of it's for your agent and sellers on-line.

According to the South Korean Gaon Chart list, "Gangnam Style'' was downloaded over 3.6 million times and was contend relating to forty million times until Gregorian calendar month. This adds slightly over $ sixty one, 000.

Perhaps the CD business would have generated a profit even lower still. PSY terrorist attack of the sale of 102,000 CDs in Republic of peninsula area unit attending to be price $ fifty, 000 or plenty of as AN estimate of Kim Dong-hyun, one in every of the leading managers among the Copyright Association of Korean music.

Born day, 1977 in Asian nation, Park Jae herb higher better-known by his inventive name PSY, could be a South Korean rapper better-known for...
Buah Buahan Thursday, October 18, 2012
Celebrities Biography

Amanda Todd - Canadian Celebrity

Amanda Todd biography

Amanda Todd was born in British Columbia on Gregorian calendar month twenty seven, (1996). At the time of her death, Amanda Todd was a grade ten student at CABE Secondary in Coquille. A faculty that caters to students WHO have full-fledged social and behavior problems in previous academic settings, Amanda Todd committed suicide on Gregorian calendar month ten, 2012 at her range in Port Coquille, British Columbia, and Canada.

Depression Become Suicide

On Gregorian calendar month seven, (2012), Amanda Todd denote a 9-minute You Tube video entitled My Story: troubled, bullying, suicide and self hurt, that showed Amanda Todd employing a series of flash cards to inform of her experiences being browbeaten. The video post went microorganism, receiving over one, 600,000 views by Gregorian calendar month thirteen, (2012), with on-line newspapers round the world linking to that. Throughout the video, Amanda Todd writes that once Amanda Todd was in Grade seven she used video chat to fulfill new folks over the web and he or she received compliments on her appearance. A trespasser convinced Amanda Todd to reveal her breasts on camera. The individual later blackmailed her with threats to show the topless image to her friends unless she gave a "show". Amanda Todd wrote that in consecutive Christmas break, police au fait her at 4:00 am that the image was current the web. Todd wrote that she full-fledged anxiety, depression, and anxiety disorder thanks to this. Her family enraptured to a replacement home, wherever Todd later declared that she began victimization medication and alcohol.

A year later, the individual reappeared, making a Face book profile that used the topless photograph because the profile image, and contacting classmates at Amanda Todd new college. Once more Amanda Todd was titillated, eventually dynamic colleges for a second time. She wrote that she began chatting to "a recent guy friend" WHO looked as if it would her. The friend asked Amanda Todd to come back to his house wherever that they had sex whereas his girlfriend was on vacation. The subsequent week, the girlfriend and a group of others attacked Todd in class whereas shouting insults and punching her to the bottom. Following the attack, Amanda Todd tried suicide by drinking bleach; however she was hurried to hospital to own her abdomen pumped-up.

After returning home, Amanda Todd discovered abusive messages regarding her unsuccessful suicide try denote to face book. Her family enraptured to a different town to start out anew, however Amanda Todd was unable to flee the past. Six months later more messages and abuse were still being denote to social networking sites. Her psychological state worsening, Amanda Todd began to have interaction in self-mutilation. Despite taking anti-depressants and receiving direction, she took associate degree drug and spent 2 days in hospital. Todd was titillated by alternative students at her college for her low grades, a consequence of a language-based learning disorder and also the time Amanda Todd spent within the hospital to treat her severe depression. On Gregorian calendar month ten, (2012) at regarding 6:00 PM (PDT), Todd was found hanged at her home.

Reaction after Amanda Todd

Amanda Todd's suicide received widespread, international media coverage, abundant of including a link to Amanda Todd's YouTube video associate degreed an email address provided by the Mounties appealing for info from the general public, inside twenty four hours of the charm, over four hundred tips were received. The Mounties has declared their investigation was hindered by the number of false info in on-line postings when Amanda Todd's death, and scams claiming to lift cash for her family. On Gregorian calendar month nineteen, (2012), a series of vigils was command across North American country and internationally to recollect Amanda Todd and alternative victims of bullying. A moment of silence was determined by 1 / 4 of 1,000,000 students within the provincial capital District board of education district. On it same date, Todd's mother was a guest of the 2012 we have a tendency to Day event in Vancouver, every week when Todd's death, Bullying had been scheduled as a subject before Todd's death and was self-addressed by speakers Magic Johnson, musician and anti-bullying advocate Demy Lovato, and British Columbia Premier Christy Clark. Initially Amanda Todd's mother was denied entry into associate degree anti-bullying conference for worry that it'd upset alternative attendees. The family was invited to attend later events.

On Gregorian calendar month eighteen, (2012), 600 folks gathered at a final farewell ceremony for Amanda Todd at Red Robinson Show Theatre in Coquille, close to her home. Amanda Todd's mother Carol told the gathering that her girl has left behind “a larger than life message that has sparked the planet and has created it open its eyes, its ears and its hearts. Internet hacking and activist cluster Anonymous known a 32-year-old man as Amanda Todd's alleged criminal and main tormentor. The cluster revealed the Vancouver-area man's name and address on the web leading to the man's receipt of on-line threats of unpaid worker justice. When work the tip, police determined that the allegations were baseless. In line with associate degree interview with the Vancouver Sun, the publication of his identity on social media sites has resulted in over fifty emails and "thousands" of Face book death threats. A member of Anonymous had tried to advise the cluster from business enterprise the data, speech that that they had the proper person however that the address being revealed belonged to some other person, not the target. Slate reported that the one that was truly accountable clad to be nineteen instead of thirty two. And also the Globe and Mail noted that a 19-year-old from British Columbia with a reputation just like the one revealed by Anonymous encompasses a listing, for charges of regulatory offence and sexual interference of someone underneath sixteen, not associated with the Amanda Todd case.

Parliamentary motion about Amanda Todd suicide

In response to the Amanda Todd suicide, a motion was introduced within the Canadian House of Commons by Member of Parliament Danny Morin of the new party. The motion planned a study of the scope of bullying in North American country, and for a lot of funding and support for anti-bullying organizations. Amanda Todd Deathhad been additionally supposed to get the groundwork for a national strategy to stop bullying. Morin had additionally full-fledged bullying whereas at school.

Amanda Todd biography Amanda Todd was born in British Columbia on Gregorian calendar month twenty seven, (1996). At the time of her death, ...
Buah Buahan Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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