Celebrities Biography

Cary Grant - British Celebrity, Actor

Date of Birth
18 January 1904, Horfield, Bristol, England, UK 
Date of Death
29 November 1986, Davenport, Iowa, USA (cerebral hemorrhage) 
Birth Name
Archibald Alexander Leach 
6' 1½" (1.87 m) 
Mini Biography
Once told by an interviewer, "Everybody would like to be Cary Grant," Grant is said to accept replied, "So would I." His aboriginal years in Bristol, England, would accept been an accustomed lower-middle-class adolescence except for one amazing event. At age nine, he came home from academy one day and was told his mother had gone off to a bank resort. The absolute truth, however, was that she had been placed in a brainy institution, area she would abide for years, and he was never told about it (he wouldn't see his mother afresh until he was in his backward 20s). He larboard academy at 14, lying about his age and accomplishment his father's signature on a letter to accompany Bob Pender's affiliation of knockabout comedians. He abstruse assuming as able-bodied as acrobatics as he toured with the Pender affiliation in the English provinces, best up a Cockney emphasis in the music halls in London, and again in July 1920, was one of the eight Pender boys called to go to the US. Their appearance on Broadway, "Good Times," ran for 456 performances, giving Grant time to acclimatize. He would break in America. Mae West capital Grant for She Done Him Wrong (1933) because she saw his aggregate of virility, female and the ambience and address of a gentleman. Grant was adolescent abundant to activate the new career of fatherhood back he chock-full authoritative movies at age 62. One biographer said Grant was alienated by the new accuracy in the blur industry. In the 1950s and aboriginal 1960s, he had invented a man-of-the-world persona and a style--"high ball with able words." In To Catch a Thief (1955), he and Grace Kelly were accustomed to ad-lib some of the dialogue. They knew what the director, Alfred Hitchcock, capital to do with a scene, they apposite it, put in some able bifold entendres that got accomplished the censors, and again the arena was filmed. His better box-office success was addition Hitchcock 1950s film, North by Northwest(1959) fabricated with Eva Marie Saint back Kelly was by that time Princess of Monaco.
Barbara Harris
(11 April 1981 - 29 November 1986) (his death)
Dyan Cannon
(22 July 1965 - 21 March 1968) (divorced) 1 daughter
Betsy Drake
(25 December 1949 - 13 August 1962) (divorced)
Barbara Hutton
(8 July 1942 - 30 August 1945) (divorced)
Virginia Cherrill
(9 February 1934 - 26 March 1935) (divorced)

Trade Mark
Mid-Atlantic accent
Often played a handsome bachelor
Roles in romantic comedies
Chin dimple

Ranked #7 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]

His alone adolescent is Jennifer Grant whose mother is Dyan Cannon.

Ian Fleming modeled the James Bond appearance partially with Grant in mind.

Suffered a above achievement above-mentioned to assuming in his one man appearance "An Evening With Cary Grant" at the Adler Theater in Davenport, Iowa, on November 29, 1986. Died after that night at St. Luke's Hospital at 11:22 p.m.

From 1933 onwards, he occasionally aggregate a abode with Randolph Scott. There were abounding rumors about their relationship. Scott generally referred to himself, jokingly, as Grant's wife. Abounding flat active threatened not to apply them unless they lived separately.

Ashes broadcast in California, USA.

He gave his absolute fee for The Philadelphia Story (1940) to the British war effort.He already phoned auberge mogul Conrad Hilton in Istanbul, Turkey, to acquisition out why his breakfast adjustment at the Plaza Hotel, which alleged for muffins, came with alone one and a bisected English muffins instead of two. When Grant insisted that the account (a auberge ability address had begin that best bodies ate alone three of the four behindhand brought to them) still resulted in actuality cheated out of a half, the Plaza Auberge afflicted its action and began confined two complete muffins with breakfast. From again on, Grant generally batten of basic an English Muffin-Lovers Society, associates of which would be appropriate to address any auberge or restaurant that listed muffins on the card and again served beneath than two.

Turned bottomward the role of James Bond in Dr. No (1962), assertive himself to be too old at 58 to comedy the character.

Chosen by Empire annual as one of the 100 Sexiest Stars in blur history (#22). [1995]

Donated his absolute bacon for Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) ($100,000) to the U.S. War Relief Fund.

Refused the allotment of Humbert in Lolita (1962).

He never said "Judy, Judy, Judy" in the movies, which he credits to Larry Storch, but he did say "Susan, Susan, Susan" in Bringing Up Baby(1938).

Was a abundant fan of Elvis Presley, and abounding his Las Vegas shows. He is apparent discussing Elvis' achievement with him backstage during the closing credits of "That's The Way It Is" (1970).

On American Blur Institute's account of top 100 U.S. adulation stories, aggregate in June 2002, Grant led all actors with six of his films on the list. His An Affair to Remember (1957) was ranked #5; followed by: #44 The Philadelphia Story (1940) #46 To Catch a Thief (1955) #51 Bringing Up Baby(1938) #77 The Awful Truth (1937) #86 Notorious (1946)

Pictured on a 37¢ USA commemorative postage brand in the Legends of Hollywood series, issued 15 October 2002.

Grant, who was 59 at the time he filmed the adventurous abstruseness Charade (1963), acquainted he was too old to comedy the adulation absorption for Audrey Hepburn, who at 34 was 25 years adolescent than him. He accepted that the calligraphy accomplish bright that it was Audrey advancing him, not carnality versa. He additionally added a cardinal of wry jokes cogent the aberration in age.Turned bottomward roles adverse Audrey Hepburn in both Roman Holiday (1953) and Sabrina (1954); afterwards he starred with her in Charade (1963). InRoman Holiday (1953), the offered role concluded up activity to Gregory Peck, and the role in Sabrina (1954) went to Humphrey Bogart.

Although he became a Paramount arrangement amateur aboriginal in his blur career, back the arrangement was up, he fabricated an abnormal accommodation for the time: he absitively to freelance. Because his films were so acknowledged at the box office, he was able to assignment at any flat he chose for the majority of his career.

Biography in: "Who's Who in Comedy" by Ronald L. Smith, pg. 191-193. New York: Facts on File, 1992. ISBN 0816023387

Thanks mainly to the backbone and concrete ability he acquired as an acrobat back he was young, he did a majority of his own stunts during his blur career (far added than bodies would think).

Douglas Fairbanks was his adolescence idol, with Fairbanks' "healthy" tan actuality the afflatus for Grant's consistently aphotic skin.

He remained abutting to Barbara Hutton's son Lance Reventlow afterwards their divorce. The boy consistently backward with Grant on some weekends. Grant referred to him as his son, was devastated back he died in a even blast and helped Barbara with the burial arrangements.

People were afraid by his retirement in 1966 and, admitting the attempts of admiral as important as Howard Hawks, Billy Wilder, and evenStanley Kubrick to get him out of retirement and into their films, he never formed again.Paramount Studios called him Cary Grant while he began his blur career, because the affinity of the name to Gary Cooper, their better macho star, (C.G. actuality an antagonism of G.C.) and possibly because Clark Gable had the aforementioned initials. Gable and Cooper were built-in with their aftermost names, however, with Grant accepting been built-in Archibald Leach.

Was called #2 on The Greatest Screen Legends amateur account by the American Blur Institute.

According to his will (dated 26th November 1984), his anatomy was to be cremated and no burial account held. His ashes were broadcast in the Pacific Ocean.

He was voted the 6th Greatest Movie Brilliant of all time by Entertainment Weekly.

The backward Christopher Reeve said that he based his assuming of Clark Kent in the Superman films on Grant in the aboriginal allotment of his career.

In His Girl Friday (1940), his appearance remarks, "Archie Leach said that", a advertence to his absolute name.

Was hyperopic or "far-sighted." That is why in abounding publicity stills, he is apparent captivation a brace of glasses.

John Cleese's appearance in A Fish Called Wanda (1988) was called "Archie Leach" afterwards Grant's absolute name.

Was abundantly self-educated as he had alone out of academy at age 14. He was, however, a avid clairvoyant throughout life.

Comedy administrator Leo McCarey accused him of ripping off his persona during the time that they attempt The Awful Truth (1937) and application it as his own to become world-famous. What McCarey bootless to apprehension was that abounding aspects of Cary's angel were already developed in Sylvia Scarlett(1935) an contrarily poor Katharine Hepburn-George Cukor account fabricated 2 years afore The Awful Truth (1937), and that his banana timing and versatility as an amateur were all his own. Although ill at affluence about it, they collaborated afresh several times.Often batten of his accord with Sophia Loren as one of the best amorous romances in his life.

Was still in adulation with Sophia Loren back it came time for them to blur Houseboat (1958). She went to administrator Melville Shavelson, in tears, accusatory that Grant was block her afresh - she had told Grant she was in adulation with Carlo Ponti, but he didn't accept her.

Fell absurdly in adulation with Sophia Loren while filming The Pride and the Affection (1957) back he was 53 and she was 22, admitting the actuality that he was affiliated to extra Betsy Drake. However, Loren was actively complex with ambassador Carlo Ponti, and her affection fizzled back the blur wrapped.

When Sophia Loren visited Los Angeles during the filming of An Activity to Remember (1957), Grant inundated her with dozens of buzz calls and hundreds of flowers - alike admitting she had alleged the activity off.

Participated in an beginning psychotherapy affairs in which he was assigned LSD. Betsy Drake encouraged him to booty the biologic (as allotment of a medical experiment), as he capital to appraise his bootless marriages. He underwent about 100 sessions, and said that he benefited abundantly from them.

Premiere Magazine ranked him as the #1 Movie Star of All Time in their "Stars in Our Constellation" affection (2005).

Maintained a year-round beige to abstain cutting accomplish up.

Became the administrator of Fabergé cosmetics close in 1966.

Alfred Hitchcock already toyed with the abstraction of casting him as Hamlet (in what would accept been a modern-dress blur adaptation of Shakespeare's play), but he never got about to it.

In 1957, he accustomed the Oscar for "Best Extra in a Leading Role" on account of Ingrid Bergman, who wasn't present at the awards ceremonyIs portrayed by John Gavin in Sophia Loren: Her Own Story (1980) (TV) and by Michael-John Wolfe in The Aviator (2004)

Replaced James Stewart as the hapless ad man "Roger Thornhill" in North by Northwest (1959). Stewart actual abundant capital the part, but directorAlfred Hitchcock absitively not to casting him because of the box appointment abortion of Vertigo (1958), which Hitchcock unfairly abhorrent on Stewart for attractive "too old" and chose Grant, instead. In reality, Grant was four years beforehand than Stewart.

Was the aboriginal best to comedy "Rupert Cadell" in Rope (1948), but he was unavailable, so the allotment went to James Stewart, instead (whom Grant would after alter as the advance in North by Northwest (1959)). Rope (1948) appearance references to Grant and the beforehand Hitchcock blur he appeared in, Notorious (1946) with Ingrid Bergman.

Introduced First Lady Betty Ford at the Republican National Convention in 1976.On April 18, 1947, King George VI awarded Grant the King's Medal for Account in the Cause of Freedom, citation his "outstanding account to the British War Relief Society."

His achievement as T.R. Devlin in "Notorious" (1946) is ranked #16 on Premiere Magazine's 100 Greatest Performances of All Time (2006).

His achievement as Dr. David Huxley in Bringing Up Babyish (1938) is ranked #68 on Premiere Magazine's 100 Greatest Performances of All Time (2006).

His admired after-shave was Acqua Di Parma.

When his babe Jennifer was born, he gave wife Dyan Cannon a design and azure armlet as a keepsake.

He had one of his babe Jennifer's aboriginal babyish teeth encased in Lucite.

Writer Sidney Sheldon acclimated Grant as the ancestor for Rhys Williams, a appearance in the atypical "Bloodline."

One of his admired balladry was a bit of doggerel: "They bought me a box of tin soldiers,/I threw all the Generals away,/I burst up the Sergents and Majors,/Now I comedy with my Privates all day."

He was a big baseball fan, originally acknowledging the New York Giants and again the L.A. Dodgers.

At one time, he endemic a Sealyham terrier alleged Archie Leach.He became an American Citizen on June 26, 1942, beneath acclimatization affidavit #5502057.

As a child, he had a abhorrence of knives and a abhorrence of heights.

He consistently wore a gold alternation about his close with three charms attached. The three charms represented the religions of anniversary of his above wives: a St. Christopher for Virginia Cherrill (Roman Catholic), a baby cantankerous for Barbara Hutton and Betsy Drake (Protestants), and a Star of David for Dyan Cannon (Jewish. (Donaldson)

Was advised one of the best-dressed men in the United States of America. George Francis Frazier, Jr., in "The Art of Wearing Clothes" (published in 'Esquire' magazine, September 1960), wrote "Although Grant, who is fifty-six, favors such abominations as ample tie knots and claims to accept originated the square-style breast-pocket handkerchief, he is so abnormally adorable that he looks acceptable in about anything. He insists aloft bound armholes in his clothing jackets, finds the best adequate (and functional) of all underwear to be women's nylon panties." Other best-dressed American men cited in the commodity were Miles Davis, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Clark Gable and Walter Pidgeon.If you attending carefully at his teeth, you'll acquisition that he alone has one incisor (front tooth). Apparently aback he was a boy he agape out a tooth while ice skating. Rather than get into agitation with his father, he autonomous to go to a adjacent dental academy and accept them gradually advance his added teeth calm to ample in the gap. Alone one being (an advertent cinematographer) anytime noticed and mentioned it to him. It's declared in abyss in the book "Evenings with Cary Grant".

Hated his achievement in Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), adage it was way too over the top and that it was his atomic admired film.

Was the alone amateur Alfred Hitchcock was said to "love." Hitch said that James Stewart was the "everyman", but never casting Stewart afterwards Vertigo(1958) flopped, which he abhorrent on Stewart now attractive too old to draw in the crowds. Ironically, Grant was absolutely four years earlier than Stewart.

Initally accustomed his role in Houseboat (1958) because he was dating Sophia Loren, whom he was absurdly in adulation with. Afterwards she went and affiliated addition else, Cary, heartbroken, capital to aback out. He couldn't, but the administrator fabricated abiding the assembly was a bland one.

Initially banned Stanley Donen's action to arise in Charade (1963), but-realizing that it was a abundant part-accepted it afterwards a while. He fabricated one stipulation: Audrey Hepburn had to hunt him, not visa-versa.

Was actual aching aback he absent his two Academy Award nominations, decidedly None But the Lonely Heart (1944), which he anticipation was his best performance. This is why he was so aflame aback he accustomed his Honarary Academy Award in 1970.
Said Indiscreet (1958), to be his personal favorite film.
He gave austere application to backward in 1953, because he believed the success of Marlon Brando and Method acting meant his own affectionate of acting was a affair of the past. Eighteen months after he was absorbed aback to accomplish To Catch a Thief (1955), and accordingly delayed his retirement until 1966.

Maintained acceptable concrete bloom until acceptable ill with aerial claret burden in the backward 1970s. In October 1984 he suffered a accessory stroke, which bound his appearances thereafter.

Received Kennedy Center ceremoniousness in November 1981. President Ronald Reagan wrote how admiring he was to be able to account his friend, while Grant declared that he was animated James Stewart was at the ceremony.

Held a columnist appointment announcement his retirement from acting aboriginal in 1953, adage he was actual affronted over Hollywood's analysis of directorCharles Chaplin, who had afresh been blacklisted for his advanced political beliefs.

Attended the accompaniment burial of his acquaintance Earl Louis Mountbatten of Burma at Westminster Abbey in August 1979, and aboveboard wept during the service.

Alfred Hitchcock originally planned to casting Grant in the role of the administrator and Montgomery Clift as Brandon Rope (1948). However the accustomed homosexual accord amid Leopold and Loeb, and the tacit acceptance of a agnate tie amid Hamilton's killers, abiding Grant and Clift to beacon bright of the activity to abstain continued appellation bartering repercussions.His final actualization at the Academy Awards was in 1985 to present James Stewart with an honorary Oscar for lifetime achievement.

Although fifty back To Catch a Thief (1955) was filmed, Grant was still arena a appearance of thirty-five.

He never played a villain.

Biography in: "The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives". Volume Two, 1986-1990, pages 346-348. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999.

After actuality broadly criticized for arena the adventurous advance in To Catch a Thief (1955) adverse the 26-years-younger adolescent Grace Kelly, Grant bound never to comedy such a allotment again. He angry bottomward Gregory Peck's role in Arabesque (1966) adverse Sophia Loren.

Although he had been advised a advanced during his career, afterwards his retirement from acting he emerged as a above adherent of Richard Nixonin the backward 1960s.

Smoked up to 60 cigarettes a day until 1952, back his third wife Betsy fabricated him accord up in adjustment to assure his voice. However, she recalled occasionally communicable him smoker alfresco the house, so he apparently never chock-full completely.Considered for the arch role of "Ladri di biciclette" (1948).

Grant agilely approved William Holden's role in The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), but the producers absitively he wasn't appropriate for the part, and in any case they acquainted he was too old at 53.

He was administrator Howard Hawks's aboriginal best to comedy the advance in Man's Admired Sport? (1964), but he angry it bottomward because he was 59 and arch adult Paula Prentiss was 25 years old.

Turned bottomward the role of gunfighter Cherry Valance, which was to accept been abundant larger, in Howard Hawks' ballsy western Red River (1948) adverse John Wayne and Montgomery Clift. The allotment went to John Ireland instead.

Was actual abutting accompany with Ingrid Bergman, his co-star in both Indiscreet (1958) and Belled (1946). Grant was one of the few who accurate her throughout her belled activity with Rossellini, and while Bergman was in banishment in Italy he accustomed her Best Actress Oscar in 1958.

Always cited his To Catch a Thief (1955) co-star Grace Kelly as his admired arch lady. He abounding her accompaniment burial in 1982 and wept throughout the televised service.

At the time of his death, his acreage was admired at $60 million.

His mother died in January 1973 at the age of 94.

Underwent a breach operation in the bounce of 1977.

Had a amiable bump removed from his forehead in 1957.

Became actively ill with communicable hepatitis and jaundice in 1948, and doctors gave him a beneath than ten per cent adventitious of survival. The botheration was the accident that years of abundant bubbler had done to his liver. Grant took added than six months to recover.Eagerly approved the role of Midshipman Roger Byam in Mutiny on the Bounty (1935), but the allotment went to Franchot Tone instead.

Turned bottomward James Mason's role in A Star Is Born (1954).

Turned bottomward James Mason's role in Lolita (1962) because he advised the blur "depraved".

He angry bottomward the role of Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady (1964) because he acquainted he would either not be as acceptable as Rex Harrison, who had originated the allotment on the London date and on Broadway, or he would be accused of assuming Harrison. He told ambassador Jack L. Warnerthat unless Harrison was cast, he would not alike go to see the film.

In afterwards years he consistently said the appearance he played in Father Goose (1964) came abutting to his absolute self.

He and his fifth wife Barbara Harris renewed their bells vows on 11 April 1986, the fifth ceremony of their marriage.

In 1999 he was called the additional Greatest Male Star of All Time of American cinema, afterwards Humphrey Bogart, by the American Blur Institute.

For a arena in The Grass Is Greener (1960), he banned to abrasion a smoker jacket, fearing he would anon lose the abutment of the admirers if he were apparent dressed like that. The administrator afterwards recalled that an ancient affectionate of ball had died that day, and it never came back.

After The Howards of Virginia (1940) flopped at the box office, Grant angry bottomward all offers for actual epics until The Pride and the Passion(1957), which was additionally a failure.He initially absitively to end his 1953 retirement aloof to accomplish To Catch a Thief (1955). When the blur accepted to be a huge success he agreed to accomplish added films.

In March 1968 he was complex in a austere car blast in New York, but auspiciously able with alone accessory injuries.

Elton John recalled that one of the highlights of his 1976 bout of the United States was affair Grant backstage afterwards a concert.

For several years he had toyed with the abstraction of arena Hamlet in an attack to prove to his critics that he could act. This abstraction was assuredly scuppered by Laurence Olivier's blur Hamlet (1948).

He actively approved James Stewart's role in Bell Book and Candle (1958), and Clark Gable's role in Teacher's Pet (1958).

In befitting with his wishes, there was no burial service.

Cary Grant and Charlton Heston abounding a banquet at 10 Downing Street anniversary the again British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, whom they both abundantly admired. Afterward Heston said to his wife Lydia, "You apperceive I sat abutting to Mrs Thatcher." She replied, "That's annihilation - I got to sit abutting to Cary Grant!".

He voted for Richard Nixon in 1968 and 1972, Gerald Ford in 1976 and Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984.Once aggregate a abode with his abutting acquaintance Noel Coward aboriginal in his Hollywood career.

He advised himself to be miscast in The Howards of Virginia (1940), None But the Lonely Heart (1944) and The Pride and the Passion(1957).

Once lived with the bashful cine brilliant William Haines.

Alfred Hitchcock told 'Francois Truffaut' that Grant, clashing James Stewart, would accept been all-around to comedy a villain. Before he was a star, Stewart (unlike Grant) already absolutely played an complete villain, in After the Thin Man (1936). The abutting Grant came was the aboriginal adaptation ofSuspicion (1941), directed by Hitchcock, in which Grant's appearance berserk his wife, but the blur was recut so that Grant wouldn't be a bad guy.

His daughter, Jennifer Grant, gave bearing to a son, Cary Benjamin Grant on August 12th, 2008.

Loved assuming on arrangement radio, area he generally got to accomplish in roles altered from his awning persona. He already told the producers of the radio alternation "Suspense," "Invite me back, allure me back.".

Grant was about 34 back he fabricated Bringing Up Baby (1938) and had been afraid that he ability not anytime become a above star, back adolescent actors like Errol Flynn and James Stewart were already accustomed stars.

In 1968, he and adolescent amateur and acquaintance Michael Caine were walking calm and a fan approached them, alone acquainted Caine. At the end of the conversation, the fan angry to Grant and commented how all-around today's blur stars are with the public, to which Grant nodded in agreement.He can be apparent in the admirers and backstage in the Elvis Presley concert documentary Elvis: That's the Way It Is (1970).

Made a accessible address for gun ascendancy afterward the assassination of his acquaintance Robert F. Kennedy in June 1968.

He acerb awful Method acting.

Was a actual acceptable acquaintance of Frederique "Quique" Jourdan, the wife of Louis Jourdan.

Grant alien Frederick Brisson to approaching wife Rosalind Russell and acted as his best man at their marriage.

Has eight films on the American Film Institute's account of the 100 Funniest Movies: Bringing Up Baby (1938) at #14, The Philadelphia Story (1940) at #15, His Girl Friday (1940) at #19, Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) at #30, Topper (1937) at #60, The Awful Truth (1937) at #68, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) at #72 and She Done Him Wrong (1933) at #75.

Ran abroad from home at 13 to accompany a mime troupe. His ancestor tracked him bottomward and brought him home, but he ran abroad afresh and rejoined the troupe.

He kept himself attenuate and fit until he retired acting, never belief aloft 180 pounds.

Was already affianced to Queenie Smith.

Personal Quotes
[responding to a wire from a anchorman inquiring, "How old Cary Grant?"] Old Cary Grant fine. How you?

I accept spent the greater allotment of my activity clashing amid Archie Leach and Cary Grant, borderline of each, apprehensive each.

Everybody wants to be Cary Grant. Alike I demand to be Cary Grant.

[About Burt Reynolds] As able-bodied as actuality my, and the world's admired ablaze comedian, Burt is a actual accommodating and anxious man.

My awning persona is a aggregate of Jack Buchanan, Noel Coward and Rex Harrison. I affected to be somebody I capital to be, and, finally, I became that person. Or he became me.

I advance on misquotation.

Divorce is a bold played by lawyers.

To accomplish with the adverse sex, acquaint her you are impotent; she can't delay to belie it.

The abandoned absolutely acceptable affair about acting is that there's no abundant lifting.

[1970 Honorary Oscar accepting speech] You apperceive that I may never attending at this afterwards canonizing the quiet backbone of admiral who were so affectionate to me, who were affectionate abundant to put up with me added than once, some of them alike three or four times. I assurance they and all the added directors, writers and producers and my arch women accept forgiven me for what I didn't know. You apperceive that I've never been a accessory or a affiliate of any accurate amusing set, but I've been advantaged to be a allotment of Hollywood's best august era.

My blueprint for active is absolutely simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I absorb myself as best I can.

My ancestor acclimated to say, "Let them see you and not the suit. That should be secondary."

Mostly, we accept bogus ladies--- with the barring of Ingrid [Ingrid Bergman], Grace [Grace Kelly], Deborah [Deborah Kerr] and Audrey [Audrey Hepburn].

It takes 500 baby capacity to add up to one favorable impression.

Actors today try to abstain ball because if you address a ball that's not a success, the abridgement of success is anon credible because the admirers is not laughing. A ball is a big risk. This is a abundantly cher business and to put money into a account that ability not arise off -- oh, that's appealing risky.

This, I love. I accept a acceptable timetalking aback and alternating to people. You know, otherwise, I wouldn't get to accommodated the people.

I acquaint you, in films, one doesn't absolutely accommodated the audience. You don't get the appulse or spirit of your audience, admitting aback you are out in the public, you do.'

I've generally been accused by critics of actuality myself on-screen. But actuality oneself is added difficult than you'd suppose.

It's important to apperceive area you've arise from so that you can apperceive area you're going. I apparently chose my profession because I was gluttonous approval, adulation, account and affection.

[on Irene Dunne] Her timing was marvelous. She was so acceptable that she fabricated ball attending easy. If she'd fabricated it attending as difficult as it absolutely is, she would accept won her Oscar.

I apperceive they nicknamed us "Cash and Cary", but I never asked Barbara Hutton for a penny. I never affiliated a woman for money, that's the God's truth. I may not accept affiliated for actual complete reasons, but money was the atomic of them.

[on his abounding marriages] It seems that anniversary new alliance is added difficult to survive than the aftermost one. I'm rather a fool for punishment--I accumulate activity aback for more, don't ask me why.

[Charles Chaplin] is cat-and-mouse a continued time at a trolley car stop. He's the aboriginal in band of what turns out to be a huge crowd. The trolley assuredly arrives, he's the aboriginal one on, but afresh the army abaft him surges through the aperture and pushes him appropriate through the aperture on the added side. And that's a lot like what Hollywood is like. Aback you're a adolescent man, Douglas Fairbanks Sr. is driving. Wallace Beery is the conductor, and Charles Chaplin's got a front-row seat. You booty your seat, and aback abaft you is Gary Cooper. He has got his continued anxiety ashore out in advanced of one of the avenue doors, and bodies accumulate benumbed over him and assimilate the street. Suddenly a adolescent man called Tyrone Power gets on. He asks you to move over. You accomplish a account with Joan Fontaine. You anticipate you do a acceptable job, but she wins the Oscar, and you get nothing. And appealing anon added and added bodies get on, it's accepting actual crowded, and afresh you adjudge to get off. Aback you get off the trolley, you apprehension that it's been accomplishing annihilation but activity about in circles. It doesn't go anywhere. You see the aforementioned things over and over. So you ability as able-bodied get off.

[on Katharine Hepburn] She was this blooper of a woman and I never admired angular women. But she had this thing, this air you ability alarm it, the best absolutely alluring women I'd anytime seen, and apparently anytime apparent since. You had to attending at her, you had to accept to her, there was no artifice her.

For added than thirty years of my activity I had smoked with accretion habit. I was assuredly afar from the addiction by Betsy [wife Betsy Drake], who, afterwards anxiously belief hypnosis, accomplished it, with my abounding permission and trust, as I was activity off to beddy-bye one night. She sat in a armchair abreast the bed and, in a quiet, calm voice, rhythmically afresh what I inwardly knew to be true, the actuality that smoker was not acceptable for me; and, as my acquainted apperception airy and no best cared to action a abrogating thought, her words sank into my subconscious; and the afterward day, to my abruptness I had no charge or ambition to smoke. Nor accept I smoked since. Nor accept I, as far as I know, replaced it with any added adverse habit.

Everyone tells me I've had such an absorbing life, but sometimes I anticipate it's been annihilation but abdomen disturbances and self-concern.

I anticipate authoritative applause is the best anatomy of exercise.

I'd like to accept fabricated one of those big bright Technicolor musicals with Rita Hayworth.

There are abandoned seven cine stars in the apple whose name abandoned will abet American bankers to accommodate money for cine productions, and the abandoned woman on the account is Ingrid Bergman.

[1980] I accept annihilation adjoin gays, I'm aloof not one myself.

[1965] I don't like to see men of my age authoritative applause on the screen. Actuality a ancestor will accomplish me added chargeless than I accept anytime been. It will be a abundant experience. I can't wait.

[1851] There is no agnosticism I am aging. My architecture of ball is still the aforementioned as ever. I approach against scripts that put me in an bottomless position. Afresh the blow of the account is spent in aggravating to agonize out of it. Naturally, I consistently get the babe in the end. It may arise old-fashioned. There seems to be a trend against abusive comedy, like The Apartment (1960). Perhaps it is because adolescent writers today feel abusive active in a apple that seems headed for destruction.

I can't portray Bing Crosby, I'm Cary Grant. I'm myself in that role. The best difficult affair is to be yourself - abnormally aback you apperceive it's activity to be apparent anon by 300 amateur people.

The abstruse of ball is accomplishing it artlessly beneath the best difficult circumstances. And blur ball is the best difficult of all. At atomic on date you apperceive appropriate abroad if you're accepting action or not. But authoritative a movie, you accept no way of knowing. So you try to time the affair for amplitude and breadth and can abandoned achievement aback it plays in the cine theaters months after that you accept timed the affair right. It's difficult and it takes experience. I'll consistently bethink the abundant actor, A.E. Matthews, who said on his afterlife bed, "Dying's tough--but not as boxy as comedy".

[Charles Chaplin] has accustomed abundant amusement to millions of people, and I achievement he allotment to Hollywood. Personally, I don't anticipate he is a Communist, but whatever his political affiliations, they are accessory to the actuality that he is a abundant entertainer. We should not go off the abysmal end.

[on Betsy Drake] Betsy was a adorable comedienne, but I don't anticipate Hollywood was anytime absolutely her milieu. She capital to advice humanity, to advice others advice themselves.

[1981] I accept no affairs to address an autobiography, I will leave that to others. I'm abiding they will about-face me into a homosexual or a Nazi spy or article else.

[1983] I asked James Stewart afresh if he had anticipation about dying. He said he hadn't at all. But I have.

My ambition in demography LSD was to accomplish myself happy. A man would be a fool to booty article that didn't accomplish him happy. I took it with a accumulation of men, one of whom was Aldous Huxley. We bamboozled ourselves by calling it therapy, but we were absolutely absorbed in how this actinic could advice humanity. I begin it a actual candid experience, but it's like booze in one respect: a attempt of brandy can save your life, but a canteen of brandy can annihilate you.

If I had accepted afresh what I apperceive now, if I had not been so absolutely stupid, I would accept had a hundred accouchement and I would accept congenital a agronomical to accumulate them on.

Look at it this way, I've consistently approved to dress well. I've had some success in life. I've enjoyed my success and I accommodate in that success some relationships with actual appropriate women. If addition wants to say I'm gay, what can I do? I anticipate it's apparently said about every man who's been accepted to do able-bodied with women. I don't let that array of affair bother me. What affairs to me is that I apperceive who I am.

I accept no affinity with the new idols of the screen, and that includes Marlon Brando and his appearance of Method acting. It absolutely includesMontgomery Clift and that God-awful James Dean. Some ambassador should casting all three of them in the aforementioned cine and let them battle it out. Aback they've accomplished anniversary added off, James Stewart, Spencer Tracy and I will acknowledgment and alpha authoritative absolute movies afresh like we acclimated to.

When a adolescent adolescent like Louis Jourdan moves in on your field, you booty banal of your assets and liabilities. It accomplish you nervous.

Hollywood is actual abundant like a streetcar. Already a new brilliant is fabricated and comes aboard, an old is belted out of the rear exit. There's allowance for abandoned so abounding and no more.

[on aging] Aback bodies acquaint you how adolescent you look, they are additionally cogent you how old you are.

That Touch of Mink (1962)
$4,000,000 (including his percentage of the gross profits.)
Operation Petticoat (1959)
$3,000,000 (including his percentage of the gross profits.)
North by Northwest (1959)
$450,000 (plus $315,000 overtime and percentage of gross profit)
Indiscreet (1958)
$300,000 + Rolls Royce
To Catch a Thief (1955)
$750,000 + 10% of grosses over $8 million
People Will Talk (1951)
I Was a Male War Bride (1949)
$100,000 (plus 10% of the gross receipts if they reached $1m.)
The Bishop's Wife (1947)
Night and Day (1946)
None But the Lonely Heart (1944)
$150,000 + 10% of the Profits
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
In Name Only (1939)
Gunga Din (1939)
Bringing Up Baby (1938)
$75,000+ 11% gross ($139,150)
The Awful Truth (1937)
$50,000 + 10% of gross ($500,000 in back end earnings)
The Toast of New York (1937)
Topper (1937)
% of Gross
When You're in Love (1937)
Wedding Present (1936)
The Amazing Adventure (1936)
Suzy (1936)
Big Brown Eyes (1936)
Sylvia Scarlett (1935)
$2,500/week + $15,000 bonus
The Last Outpost (1935)
Wings in the Dark (1935)
Enter Madame (1935)
Alice in Wonderland (1933)
I'm No Angel (1933)
Gambling Ship (1933)
The Eagle and the Hawk (1933)
The Woman Accused (1933)
She Done Him Wrong (1933)
Madame Butterfly (1932)
Hot Saturday (1932)
Blonde Venus (1932)
Devil and the Deep (1932)
Merrily We Go to Hell (1932)
Singapore Sue (1932)
Sinners in the Sun (1932)
This Is the Night (1932)

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